Ken’s Blog

Before You Judge Me

Posted by on October 19, 2012 in Belief systems, Get Off the Sidelines, Ken's Blogs | 9 comments

Before You Judge Me

Do you consider yourself to be judgmental? Do you find yourself looking at other people thinking that they’re being judgmental? As I started writing this post, I thought I should look up the word “judgment” before I wrote about it. defines judgment as follows: Judgment: the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, especially in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion: a man of sound judgment. So let me ask a different question. Do you...

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Feeling Confused?

Posted by on October 5, 2012 in Belief systems, Get Off the Sidelines, Ken's Blogs | 4 comments

Feeling Confused?

Am I the only one that feels like they have a lot more to offer, but doesn’t know exactly what to do to bring things into fruition? Over the past several weeks, I have written several different posts about making a difference, and encouraging people not to feel too small to make a difference. I believe I live that every day. Some days I’m focused on learning and other days I’m more focused on sharing my beliefs. I often engage in conversations with people where I encourage them to examine and shed any limiting beliefs that they might...

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Making A Difference

Posted by on September 28, 2012 in Get Off the Sidelines, Ken's Blogs | 0 comments

Making A Difference

Have you ever been in a situation where you just know there has to be a change, but you’re not sure how to either make the change yourself, or even contribute to the change? Maybe you’re at work and you can see that the processes that worked a few months or a few years ago aren’t as effective any more. There are lots of stories like that. Companies go through this on a regular basis, and if they don’t improve their processes to stay competitive, they may go out of business. That’s how it works in the business...

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A New Comfort Zone – What a Difference A Year Makes

Posted by on September 14, 2012 in Belief systems, Get Off the Sidelines, Ken's Blogs | 3 comments

A New Comfort Zone – What a Difference A Year Makes

Do you think you’re the same person you were a year ago? Do you know what your current comfort zone is? Do you ever step outside of it? (Psst, there’s a test at the end of this article. Hope you’ll take it.) As I look back on the past year, many fond memories come to mind. It was just over a year ago when my younger brother and I shared a thought that we should go visit our mother. We hadn’t seen her in many, many years and we both had the same thought within a few weeks of each other that it was time to go visit her. We spoke...

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Gratitude and Healthtember

Posted by on September 7, 2012 in Ken's Blogs, Speak your authentic truth | 2 comments

Gratitude and Healthtember

Do you know what tomorrow will bring? I’ve been writing a blog on a weekly basis for about nine months. My intention is to write something every Thursday or Friday. In most weeks, I hit late Thursday or early Friday morning and I don’t have a clue what I’m going to write about. This week was a bit different as the ideas have been flowing for the past couple days, now the challenge is which one to share. There’s a story about the value of being a contributing member of a healthy community. There’s another story about the value of...

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What Does “2012” Mean to You? (Part 2 of 2)

Posted by on August 31, 2012 in Belief systems, Ken's Blogs | 5 comments

What Does “2012” Mean to You? (Part 2 of 2)

Can you envision a Golden Age? In last week’s post, I asked readers to consider what 2012 meant to them, and I went on to describe my thoughts and dreams about a potential upcoming Golden Age. In this post, I share some of my thoughts as to what it might take for a transformation like this to begin to happen on a global basis. A lot of my beliefs focus on the thoughts and beliefs that drive our actions every day. I very much see us starting to place a much higher value on ourselves and the communities that we are part of. It seems to me that...

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What Does “2012” Mean to You? (Part 1 of 2)

Posted by on August 24, 2012 in Belief systems, Ken's Blogs | 1 comment

What Does “2012” Mean to You? (Part 1 of 2)

Have you seen the movie by the same name? Do you think the world is coming to an end in December? For those familiar with the Mayan calendar, do you think the Mayans simply ran out of rock to write things down on (that’s an attempt at humour, I’ve seen a cartoon to this effect and loved it – probably loses a bit in translation without seeing the picture – loses even more if you’re not familiar with the Mayan calendar)? Do you think nothing will happen? From a scientific perspective we know that several of the planets are going to...

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The Spark, The Flame and the Torch

Posted by on August 10, 2012 in Get Off the Sidelines, Ken's Blogs, Speak your authentic truth | 3 comments

The Spark, The Flame and the Torch

Are you a human being, or are you a human doing? I’ve heard that question a few times of late, and may have even uttered it to friends a couple of times myself. It makes you think, doesn’t it? Am I living my life with purpose or am I so busy doing stuff that I’m not even sure if I know what my purpose is? Am I busy doing, or am I simply being? I read a book recently by Lance Secretan (he’s acknowledged as one of the most insightful and provocative leadership teachers of our time), entitled “The Spark, The Flame, and...

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Authenticity In Health Care

Posted by on August 3, 2012 in Ken's Blogs, Speak your authentic truth | 3 comments

Authenticity In Health Care

Are you able to be authentic? Do you speak your truth in every situation, or do you adjust your words based on what you think the other person wants to hear? Are you authentic to yourself, or would you find yourself offering advice to someone, then not following your own advice? Are you able to admit to others when you make a mistake or you just don’t know the answer to something? I believe authenticity is one of those traits that we all have inside of us and yet sometimes we shy away from being truly authentic for fear of not fitting...

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Healthtember – a Focus on Health and Happiness

Posted by on July 26, 2012 in Belief systems, Ken's Blogs, Love versus Fear | 1 comment

Healthtember – a Focus on Health and Happiness

If someone suggested to you that you could live a happier, healthier life in 30 days, would you at least consider doing something about it? Let me make that suggestion to you right now because I believe it. If your life is good and you don’t feel a need to be any healthier or happier, there’s no need to read any more. I’m serious. If you are living your own definition of a happy and healthy life, then the last thing you need is a suggestion that you can lead a happier and healthier life. If you’re still reading, let me start with a few...

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