The Wake-Up Call Before the Wake-Up Call

The Wake-Up Call Before the Wake-Up Call

Are You Hitting “Snooze” On Your Alarm Clock? I was conversing with someone this week that commented that a lot of people who are in our age bracket are mindlessly moving through their life wondering if this is how it is supposed to be and wishing for something better. In a bit of a rant she asked “But what is it that’s better and what is the cost? We have gotten comfortably numb in our so called safe modes and what we have created...

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Eradicating Dis-ease: A Whisper to a Scream

Eradicating Dis-ease: A Whisper to a Scream

If I suggested to you that the possibility of eradicating dis-ease from society was a possibility, what would you think? Would you at least consider the possibility? One of my favorite themes about how things happen in the world is that the most amazing discoveries that have ever happened all started with a thought. Think about man’s ability to fly, watching TV, talking on a telephone, listening to a radio, putting a man on the moon. How...

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Who Are You Without Your Disease?

Who Are You Without Your Disease?

“Who are you without your disease? What makes you more than just your disease? How have you adapted these aspects of your life so they’re not completely overcome by your illnesses?”  I came across this question yesterday on the web site, for the “Patients For A Moment” carnival. I just knew I had to respond, so here goes. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in 2008. I have had times...

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Time to Take the Training Wheels Off?

Time to Take the Training Wheels Off?

Are you riding through life with training wheels on? Training wheels are a good thing, a very good thing. They let us try something that would be otherwise difficult, bordering on impossible if we’re not ready. Watching a 3 or 4 year old ride their training wheel enabled bicycle down the street with a great big smile across their face is beautiful to see. The child can’t even imagine the concept of riding their bike any other way....

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Call For Help

Call For Help

Do you ever ask for help? Or have you been conditioned to think that asking for help is a sign of weakness? Do you find yourself thinking “I can do it myself” a lot? Guilty! I catch myself doing that all the time. And in the next breath I find myself telling other people that we’re all in this together and we can accomplish so much more by working together. Wtf? If I tell others that it’s okay to ask for help, then why...

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