
Do you just want to be happy and healthy?

  • Are you experiencing chronic discomfort?
  • Are you on a physical or emotional healing journey?
  • Does it seem like bad things keep happening to you?
  • Do you just want to maintain your existing good health?
  • Is your job sucking the life out of you?

True healing begins when we stop masking symptoms and start dealing with root causes. And we know a lot more about what root causes are than you may have been led to believe. There’s a lot more to healing than physical healing. It may or may not be an illness or a disease. Feeling chronically down in the dumps is just as much of an issue as having a chronic illness. You are here to live, you are not here to suffer.

Ken has been on an amazing healing journey from a diagnosis of an autoimmune dis-ease, rheumatoid arthritis. He has made steady progress from a physical perspective, but the true healing started when the emotional healing began. He now sees the disease diagnosis as a Wake Up Call. Life isn’t meant to be hard.

Take back YOUR power. Make this your Wake Up Call. Health and healing is an inside job.

The current system is very confusing. If you don’t know where to turn and you  just want to scream HHHEELLPPPP!!! …… well, Ken has “been there, done that”.

I don’t work magic, but I can help you take back your power. Healing is a journey, and you are the Captain and Commander of your ship.

I hope I can help you move forward. See below for ways to engage with Ken.

Namaste, Ken

Phone A Friend – one to one session

Request a copy of Ken’s “Healing Manifesto”

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