Forgiveness and Healing

Forgiveness and Healing

 Is there a connection between forgiveness and true healing? I had the strangest thing happen to me last week. A very, very dear friend called me to tell me that she had been thinking of me and two words came to her mind (there were actually four words, but bear with me on that for a bit). The two words were “healing” and “forgiveness”, and she told me that she saw them as connected. Well as someone on a journey of healing, she...

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Finding Your Passion

Finding Your Passion

Is there something in your life that you are truly passionate about? Maybe it’s singing, dancing, being a life or a business coach, travelling. Maybe it’s being the best mother, or father, or grandparent that you can be. Maybe you want to make a real difference and aspire to change the world. Whatever it is, you find that whenever you’re talking about or doing this thing or things, you literally feel your energy rising. When...

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Eradicating Dis-ease: A Whisper to a Scream

Eradicating Dis-ease: A Whisper to a Scream

If I suggested to you that the possibility of eradicating dis-ease from society was a possibility, what would you think? Would you at least consider the possibility? One of my favorite themes about how things happen in the world is that the most amazing discoveries that have ever happened all started with a thought. Think about man’s ability to fly, watching TV, talking on a telephone, listening to a radio, putting a man on the moon. How...

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Who Are You Without Your Disease?

Who Are You Without Your Disease?

“Who are you without your disease? What makes you more than just your disease? How have you adapted these aspects of your life so they’re not completely overcome by your illnesses?”  I came across this question yesterday on the web site, for the “Patients For A Moment” carnival. I just knew I had to respond, so here goes. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in 2008. I have had times...

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Living Life With No Regrets

Living Life With No Regrets

Do you live your life with regrets, looking back at mistakes you’ve made and wishing you had done things differently? This week I had a reader send an e-mail asking about regret and the mistakes that we make in our lives. I shared my thoughts with him and it also gave me the impetus to share my thoughts in a blog. I think Regret is an emotion that we all feel and it is very real. Whenever that emotion shows itself, I believe we need to...

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Do you ever stop and ask yourself what you’re grateful for? Do you take the time to show gratitude? I heard a great story a few weeks ago. A colleague of mine was listening to someone that kept going on and on about what was wrong with their life. Their job sucked, their car was breaking down, they had no money, they were complaining about the service at the local restaurant, the stories just kept coming. My colleague looked up and politely...

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