Who Are You Without Your Disease?

Who Are You Without Your Disease?

“Who are you without your disease? What makes you more than just your disease? How have you adapted these aspects of your life so they’re not completely overcome by your illnesses?”  I came across this question yesterday on the SomebodyHealMe.com web site, for the “Patients For A Moment” carnival. I just knew I had to respond, so here goes. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in 2008. I have had times...

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Call For Help

Call For Help

Do you ever ask for help? Or have you been conditioned to think that asking for help is a sign of weakness? Do you find yourself thinking “I can do it myself” a lot? Guilty! I catch myself doing that all the time. And in the next breath I find myself telling other people that we’re all in this together and we can accomplish so much more by working together. Wtf? If I tell others that it’s okay to ask for help, then why...

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Living Life With No Regrets

Living Life With No Regrets

Do you live your life with regrets, looking back at mistakes you’ve made and wishing you had done things differently? This week I had a reader send an e-mail asking about regret and the mistakes that we make in our lives. I shared my thoughts with him and it also gave me the impetus to share my thoughts in a blog. I think Regret is an emotion that we all feel and it is very real. Whenever that emotion shows itself, I believe we need to...

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Wait to Worry – Sharing a Story of Synchronicity

Wait to Worry – Sharing a Story of Synchronicity

Do you ever get the sense that you’re supposed to share a story? As you may know from my blogs, my first Life Principle is to “Expect Synchronicity”. I’m not much of a believer in coincidences, so I tend to notice and pay attention to little things, and these little things seem to just keep happening. Well, the strangest thing happened to me this week. I was at a working session on Monday night and at one point during a break, I...

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Valentine’s Day – A Day of Unconditional Love

Valentine’s Day – A Day of Unconditional Love

It’s Valentine’s Day, and most of you have probably already wished your sweetheart blessings of love. Maybe there are a few people in your life that you consider to be your Valentine, send love to all of them. What would it look like if we treated Valentine’s Day as a day of Unconditional Love? Maybe it would be the day that you performed your first random act of kindness. Or if you’ve done this type of good deed before, you perform two,...

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Who Do You Love?

Who Do You Love?

I wrote in a blog a few weeks ago about one of my life principles being “Love vs. Fear – we always have a choice”. The premise was that for any situation that arises in our life, we always have a choice as to how we see and respond to the situation. We can look at the glass as half full and respond from an emotion rooted in love, or we can look at the glass as half empty and respond from an emotion rooted in fear. We always have choice. I...

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