Conversation With Your “Inner Fiend”

Conversation With Your “Inner Fiend”

Have you ever had a conversation with your Inner Fiend? In my last blog I asked if you had ever met your Inner Child, the playful part of you that doesn’t have a care in the world and believes all of your dreams can come true. Many of us have forgotten that our Inner Child even exists. In that blog, I suggested that I think our Inner Child is always there, but it just so happens that he has met some other playmates over the years and some of...

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Have You Met Your Inner Child?

Have You Met Your Inner Child?

Have you met your inner child? I’ll bet you don’t get asked that question every day. I was sitting at dinner with a very good friend and his wife on Monday. It was his birthday, and this had been his first day back at work after a wonderful holiday in the Caribbean last week. When he walked into work that morning, he was met by the HR folks to inform him that they were downsizing and his services were no longer required, effective...

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Are You Missing Something?

Are You Missing Something?

Are you travelling through life so fast that you don’t take time to smell the roses? It seems to me that many people are walking (or should I say running) around today in a state of tunnel vision, living life as others expect them to live it as opposed to living it the way they would choose if they had a choice. They get up in the morning, grab a very quick breakfast (if you could call it that), and head off to work. Many are probably eating...

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Don’t Give Me Problems, Give Me Solutions

Don’t Give Me Problems, Give Me Solutions

When you encounter any kind of problem, do you focus on the problem or do you focus on finding a possible solution? This isn’t the type of question I ask myself every day, but a couple of days ago I was reminded of a phrase that I used to use on my kids when they would come to me asking for help with a situation. Inevitably this would be the type of question that they had a far better chance of getting an answer to than I ever would. After...

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It’s Dark in Here

It’s Dark in Here

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase “coming out of the closet”? If you’re like most people, my guess would be that you’re thinking that someone has decided to tell the world that they are gay. I must confess that that would probably have been my first thought as well. Over the past year or so, I’ve started to think of the phrase more along the lines of anything that a person is hiding about themselves....

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Planning The World’s Biggest Victory Party

Planning The World’s Biggest Victory Party

How do you plan a victory party? A little over a year ago there was a municipal election in our city. I heard a few people walking around saying they really wanted change in the position of Mayor. Others were saying that they thought the existing mayor was doing a good job and hoped he would get back in. I took my stance as well. Then someone asked me if I was going to sit back and let things happen or if I was going to stand up for my beliefs...

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