Victory Party – WE Have a Dream!

It was Martin Luther King Day in the U.S. on Monday and every time I hear his name I “hear” his famous speech in my head. I would guess that almost anyone old enough to remember him, and even younger folks that have seen part or all of the speech on video, will remember the four words from his speech. “I HAVE A DREAM.” He issued those words several times during the speech, and while we may not remember the full speech we remember the four words and his themes of freedom and an end to racism based on the premise that “All men are created equal.”
Well, guess what. “I have a dream” too. It’s a dream of hope, it’s a dream of happiness, and it too is based on the premise that we are all created equal. My dream includes many things, including many things that I wish I didn’t have to see. It includes:
- Not just a cure for suffering and dis-ease, but an end to it happening in the first place
- An end to war
- An end to famine
- An end to poverty
- An end to racism
- An end to hate
- An end to fear
It also includes a number of things that I’d like to see:
- An acceptance of all of us, by all of us, as we really are
- A willingness to work together as a community (all for One, One for all)
- Each member of the community acting together, using their unique abilities to help each other
The funny thing is that I think many of us have the same dream. None of this is new stuff. I’ve read it or heard it in many places. And many people are doing something about it.
- Tom Shadyac is doing something about it with his movie “I Am”
- Neale Donald Walsch is doing something about it with his latest book “The Storm Before The Calm”
- Dr. Lissa Rankin is doing something about it in the health care field with great talks, blogs and her Owning Pink web site
- Louise Hay has been doing something about it for many years
- Gregg Braden is doing something about it with his books, speeches, etc.
- Dr. Bruce Lipton is doing something about it with his books, speeches, etc.
- And thousands more are doing something about it as well
Is it possible that we’re lacking a simple rallying cry? So a thought crossed my mind. Why don’t we start one right now? There’s no time like the present. “WE HAVE A DREAM” and it’s a dream of HOPE. What would it take to have the phrase “WE HAVE A DREAM” become as powerful as MLK’s phrase “I HAVE A DREAM”? What would it take for this to happen?
I think it will take a campaign, much like a fundraising campaign, a marketing campaign, or a political campaign.
- It takes critical mass – critical mass is less than you think – Braden quotes it can start with as little as the square root of 1% of the population
- When a critical mass gets on board, it spreads like wildfire, especially now that we have social media
- Many people take an active role and nobody is too small to make a difference in some way
- People will use different techniques that suit their style in order to spread the message – people that like the message might use social media to spread it to all of their colleagues, speakers may use it at the start of their speeches
- Someone would get the message to people that really like it – it will make the news, it will be quoted on talk shows
One common theme of virtually every campaign is that there is a timeframe for the campaign and it ends with some sort of wrap up event. So, let’s plan the victory party. It makes it more real. In a political campaign, a “Victory Party” signals not just the end of the campaign, but the start of fresh hope.
Oh yeah, and in many cases the outcome at the end of the campaign is no surprise. And I don’t think that the outcome at the end of this campaign will be any surprise either. So let’s make sure we all do our part, be that small or “world-changing”. And let’s start planning the World’s Biggest Victory Party. My suggestion in a recent blog was that we start now and plan the Victory Party to occur on December 21st, 2012.
What do you think?
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