Waiting for something?

Posted by on December 21, 2011 in Belief systems, Expect synchronicity, Get Off the Sidelines, Ken's Blogs, Love versus Fear, Speak your authentic truth

Waiting for something?

Do you ever wake up thinking that there must be more to life? Or planning to do something soon because you’d regret looking back on your life having not tried it? Are you waiting for that perfect moment to “just do it”?

I certainly know that feeling well. I am a successful businessman that woke up one morning with a dis-ease, a message from my body that something was wrong. I spent time in the health care system, using the allopathic route (prescription drugs) to deal with my condition, trying to heal myself from the outside in. After my condition was under control, I decided to remove myself from the drugs as I was concerned with the side effects that were taking place in my body.

It was right about the time that I took myself off the drugs that I started thinking that there must be more for me to do with my life. I read voraciously on the topic of dis-ease and how there is so much dis-ease in today’s society. I also read in many places that there appears to be a link between our thoughts (such as the types of stress we encounter in our daily lives) and the conditions (headaches, dis-ease, etc.) that we manifest in our physical bodies. Well I’ve learned a lot in the past year and I’ve even established a set of belief systems that I live by. I’ve written about 4 of my belief systems in my recent blogs:

1. Expect synchronicity

2. Examine limiting belief systems

3. Speak your authentic truth

4. Love versus Fear

As I’ve lived my life for the past year using these principles, life has become an amazing journey. There truly are synchronistic events happening every day, and I’ve had 8 people tell me on different occasions that they “see me on stage” (I know this number because I journal daily and started to keep track of this particular synchronicity after I had heard it for the fourth time). I believe that it’s never too late to start doing what you’ve always wanted to do and that we all have the ability to shed our fears and limiting beliefs and expand into our own greatness.

I worked with a Creative Coach and we spent three intensive days on the topic of “what do you want to create?”, “what is something that you are so passionate about that you’d do it for free?”. What came out for me is that I have to tell my story. I’ve learned so much and I just want to share with people what I’ve learned and to help people throw away their fears and expand into their own greatness. We came up with a tagline of Enlighten, Empower, Change.

Enlighten – we all put our pants on one leg at a time, we all have our own set of issues, and we all have something inside of us that we’re really great at. Shine the light inward and find that magnificence.

Empower – remove our own limiting beliefs and fears, find that inner child within us that always knows we can be and do anything we put our mind to, know that it’s never too late to take steps to realize our dreams.

Change – move forward and expand into our own greatness.

I loved it. I had really looked within and this felt so good. Now I was ready. Yup, life was good. I really got it now. I really understood life. I needed to tell my story. Now as soon as that opportunity presented itself for me to tell the world my story, I’d be ready. I even put together a presentation for exactly what I’d say and how I’d tell my story. Yup, I was ready. And waiting. And waiting. And waiting. Still waiting. You get the picture.

And then it hit me. I was missing a 5th principle. Well, I wasn’t really missing it, I just hadn’t realized the importance of it. I realized that even the greatest speakers, writers, teachers, storytellers, etc. didn’t just decide they were going to be great and then it just magically happened overnight. They set their intention to move in the direction of their dreams. They took steps, it might have been baby steps most days and big steps on a few, they were always moving forward, taking steps. They were “in the game”, playing it, not watching it. And that’s what I needed to do. So I established my 5th principle, “Get Off the Sidelines” and that’s what I did.

I’m not waiting any more. I’m taking steps. I’m sharing my story with whoever cares to listen. I’m writing blogs, I’m preparing a web site. I’m living my life on purpose. I’m on a journey where new doors appear in front of me on a regular basis. I open all the doors and look inside. Sometimes I go in, sometimes it seems like that door might not be meant for me, or at least not at that time. And I take another step, I move forward.

Are you waiting for that perfect moment to “just do it”? Well guess what, it’s here. So Get Off the Sidelines and start playing. Maybe I’ll see YOU on stage some day. Maybe we’ll be there together.

Live your dreams. Expand into your own greatness.

If you’d like to share an interesting Get Off the Sidelines story, send it along to [email protected].

Written by Ken

Ken Jaques describes himself as a Health Care Evolutionary, Community Builder, and Speaker. True healing begins when we treat root causes instead of just masking symptoms. Diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in 2008, Ken has experienced many facets of the health care system. As “the only patient who ever lost their hair on this low of a dosage of chemotherapy” – as spoken by his rheumatologist – Ken has been on an amazing journal of self-discovery, a journey of true healing. In his blog, Ken shares stories of how his beliefs have changed over the past few years, and how they are still changing. Is it possible that our bodies can heal themselves? Do we really have to live without hope after we receive a chronic illness diagnosis? These are the types of questions that Ken encourages people to ask themselves as they embark on their own physical or emotional healing journey.

Ken is creating a platform to connect People, Patients, Practitioners, Partners and Promoters, enabling a collaborative effort to help shift the focus on health from I-llness to We-llness. Check out the pilot at www.myHealthyCommunity.ca.

“When ‘I’ is replaced with ‘we’, even I-llness becomes WE-llness” ~ Malcolm X


  1. Ken, you are an inspiration to others. Keep up the good work! Love the blogs.

    Derek Hilton
    Motivation Plus Fitness

  2. What a great post. So inspirational. I was sitting on the side lines myself for a long time. I went through all the motions and knew that I needed more. I needed to do more. Hence I finally decided to stop being afraid and start my business. I am now taking the necessary steps to grow my business and make it happen.

    • Way to go Beth. Fear really does hold us back, doesn’t it? So nice to hear that you’re moving forward, and good luck with the business.

      Namaste, Ken

  3. Your comments about getting “in the game” are spot on.

    Getting in the game no matter what with intention. Yes, it may not be perfect; it may feel clumsy, awkward, and stumbling, but as long as you’re stumbling forward you’re on the path and headed in the right direction.

    • Hi Carol,

      Thanks for the comment. Not too many people were able to do something well the first time they tried it, then after a while they realize that they had it in them all along. Love your words. We may stumble, we may even fall down, but as long as we’re moving in the direction of our dreams, we’re already closer.

      Game on!!!

  4. Hi Ken,

    What a wonderful message. I was meant to hear this, today.

    Thank you for sharing such a profound lesson.

    We all have something “unique” that is meant for sharing with others. I truly believe this… and reading what you’ve written here cements my beliefs.

    – Bonnie

    • Hi Bonnie,

      Gotta love synchronicity :-). Now let your star shine. Baby steps …


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